Archive | April, 2020


Facing the Challenge of Integrating Presence and Planning

Do you ever encounter ‘analysis paralysis’ in the seeming contradiction between practicing mindfulness and making purposeful plans?  Whether you find yourself bursting with curiosity, tearing up with sorrow, or experiencing unbridled, exuberant elation, being present right here, right now challenges most of us beyond articulation. Likewise, forecasting a future ‘best self’ and structuring plans to achieve desires […]

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Don’t Let Emotions Cloud Decision Making

If you’re stuck and can’t find an answer, consider your emotions. Guilt, attachment to money, anger, hurt, frustration, fear and sorrow are all emotional states that impair your ability to move forward, let alone make wise decisions.  Consider this… “Emotions influence, skew or sometimes completely determine the outcome of a large number of decisions we are […]

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Breath: A Powerful Life Force

People are often surprised to learn that I am a yoga teacher (RYT 200). They are also surprised to know that I’ve been teaching for over fifteen years and that I was Iyanger teacher-trained in a temple. The trainings were very vigorous, intense and almost broke me a time or two. I know that doesn’t […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.