Archive | Fitness & Nutrition


My Journey To A Healthier Me

I, Tanya Perri, am happy to announce that I am celebrating my 15th day on the Whole30. Yup, I’m half way through my healthy weight loss plan and I’ve learned a lot that I’m excited to share with other busy career professionals. Here we go: Soups Have Become My New Food “Bestie”: I was struggling with […]

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What’s the Best Diet?

After helping thousands of people lose weight over the last 25 years, I’ve determined the best diet for losing weight is… Don’t go on a diet. Ever. A ‘diet’ is a temporary thing. A shtick. Something you try for a while until you can’t stand it any more, then “go back to normal” because it’s […]

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Have Fun Working Out

I’ve always been an active person. Dance, cross country, and soccer while growing up. Yoga and running as an adult. So, finding myself short of breath from walking five minutes and then jogging five minutes was humbling. On my first run after the birth of my son, I had to take it very slow because […]

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H2O Know!

The daily recommendation for water for an average person for good health is 64-80 ounces a day. I get that. I mean I drink at least a gallon a day which is 128 ounces, not because I am told to do so, it’s because my body asks for it. Now, because I work out as often […]

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What is your “What?”

How many times have you tried to start getting fit and in response to your quest you hear “find something you enjoy?” While it can be annoying to always hear this, it’s the truth. Who wants to spend time moving and sweating while doing something they dislike? Frankly, you won’t do it or sustain it […]

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Meal Prep for Success!

Feeling burnt out? Do you feel like you’re on the sugar and caffeine hamster wheel? How do you break that cycle? The answer can be as simple as meal prep. You’ve read it a million times and it always looks easy and we have good intentions. The question is, how do you actually put a […]

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Healthy Snacks On The Go

If you’re like me, you are always on the run. Too often you may find yourself grabbing fast food, a quick sugar fix or something that’s processed—even if it’s a box of healthy crackers—to fill that craving. What I’m aware of, but slowly trying to adapt to, is the fact that cravings can lead to […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.