Tag Archives | focus


Are You In A Trance?

Most likely! Trance is an everyday experience. You go in and out of it all day long. For example, you are in trance and “mesmerized” when lost in thought, stare into space, daydream or fantasize. You are in a natural trance when you drive down the road and didn’t notice how you got from there […]

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The Mind In Mindfulness

The word MIND in “mind-full-ness” is something to think about. Nobody– not even the sharpest knife in the drawer–knows what mind is, how it does what it does or can accurately measure “thought.” Just ask the greatest scholar: “What’s mind?” “What’s thought?” “Where does it live?” “Where are thoughts when you’re not thinking them?” “Is there […]

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Avoid The Lure of Distractions

We are living in a society of distractions. Between social media, email interruptions, working in cube farms, work demands, high personal and professional expectations and family obligations, not to mention the demand to be everything to everybody, we have lost our ability to graciously say “no” and turn off the news feed on what everyone […]

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Desktop Zen Garden

They’re not just for decoration. Nor are they designed to give the impression that you’ve got it all mastered and you’re now a “Zen god or goddess.” What the heck are these boxes of sand all about? I asked one of my executive clients about the pretty little one that he had perched on the […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.