Archive | July, 2020


Sleep? What’s That?

Fruit flies do it. Fish do it. Dogs, cats, and lions do it. YOU do too—and you’re so attached to doing it that you spend a quarter of your life doing it because if you don’t, you die. SLEEP! BEAUTIFUL SLEEP. But why? Why do you suspend voluntary functions to lie supine in an unconscious […]

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10 Reasons You Should Cultivate a Healthy Career

“A healthy career” is a phrase I’ve been using for over a decade to describe the blending of professional and personal success. To be more specific, you’re in a healthy career when you’re happily engaged in your work; in a career that provides you with ample opportunities for continued growth, empowerment and balance; and you use those elements to their […]

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Six Easy Steps To Goal Setting

Wonderful opportunities arise when you ask yourself the right questions. Ask: What do I want? “Tell me what I want what I really, really want…” Intention is the mother of invention. Name it to claim it. Setting your intention instructs your inner mind to make it so. Oh, and do not “should” on yourself. Want […]

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Motivate a Fine New Habit

Habits R US! We can’t help it. You go on automatic pilot because your brain is wired that way. What’s your morning routine? Where do you sleep on the bed? Where do you sit? Some habits are utilitarian, practical and wonderful and some are downright limiting. So, if you run into a limiting behavior these five […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.