Tag Archives | Zen


Breath: A Powerful Life Force

People are often surprised to learn that I am a yoga teacher (RYT 200). They are also surprised to know that I’ve been teaching for over fifteen years and that I was Iyanger teacher-trained in a temple. The trainings were very vigorous, intense and almost broke me a time or two. I know that doesn’t […]

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Biochemistry Your Feelings

Ever wonder what makes you think, say and do what you think, say and do? What creates your behavior? It’s your biochemical/energetic self who decides what you notice or not. To the mindful hypnotist, the conclusion is clear: your body IS your mind and your mind/body recognizes, processes, remembers and learns.  Someone pats you on […]

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Rethinking Holiday Stress Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

One way to understand why the holidays are so stressful is to take an ACT-based approach to rethinking holiday stress. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a values-based approach to dealing with mental distress, is the perfect framework for understanding holiday stress because stress often occurs when two or more strongly held values conflict with each other. […]

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The Mind In Mindfulness

The word MIND in “mind-full-ness” is something to think about. Nobody– not even the sharpest knife in the drawer–knows what mind is, how it does what it does or can accurately measure “thought.” Just ask the greatest scholar: “What’s mind?” “What’s thought?” “Where does it live?” “Where are thoughts when you’re not thinking them?” “Is there […]

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5 Tips for Work-Life Flow

We’ve all heard of the phrase “work-life balance.” But the reality is, our daily responsibilities don’t always arrive in a balanced way. According to Gallup, Americans work an average of 47 hours per week, which equates to nearly six work days. If our work doesn’t fulfill or enable us to focus on self-care, the concept […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.