Tag Archives | Mindfulness


Don’t Let Emotions Cloud Decision Making

If you’re stuck and can’t find an answer, consider your emotions. Guilt, attachment to money, anger, hurt, frustration, fear and sorrow are all emotional states that impair your ability to move forward, let alone make wise decisions.  Consider this… “Emotions influence, skew or sometimes completely determine the outcome of a large number of decisions we are […]

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Biochemistry Your Feelings

Ever wonder what makes you think, say and do what you think, say and do? What creates your behavior? It’s your biochemical/energetic self who decides what you notice or not. To the mindful hypnotist, the conclusion is clear: your body IS your mind and your mind/body recognizes, processes, remembers and learns.  Someone pats you on […]

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See the Light: Be the Light!

Has this happened to you? You’re going about life when SHAZAAM, out of the blue, someone fascinates you, catches your eye. What did they do to mesmerize you? They somehow radiate palpable, indescribable magnificence as your mind dissolves in awe and one-ness. You love them yet may not have even met them. The experience leaves […]

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Don’t Just Do Something… Sit

I recently came across this quote and it got me thinking. How often do you find yourself in a situation in which whatever you do, it doesn’t produce the outcome you wanted? In the frenetic pace that often accompanies aspects of our daily lives, we find ourselves pulled into competing responses. How do we know […]

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Why the Mind Matters

I’ve heard the saying “where the mind goes, (wo)man will follow.” Not understanding fully what that meant, I allowed my mind to be ruled by many things, and to travel places I never truly wanted to be. Fear, anxiety, stress, imposter syndrome—oh the places my mind would go. I became afraid to fail, anxious about […]

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Mindful Coaching 101

Present moment awareness of feelings, thoughts, actions and reactions brings you amazing results.  This heightened awareness empowers a “take-charge” attitude that benefits you to be your best. Experts agree that of your 2100 plus thoughts an hour, the ones you embrace and act upon have a profound effect on your life, love, work and play. The […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.