Tag Archives | Productivity


Courage Is Beautiful

Do you ever want something but were afraid to try? Did you ever feel like you needed to speak up but were worried about the consequences? You’re not alone. Fear and courage flip back and forth like switches way too often for our own likes. However, this is a switch that we can control. Choice, […]

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Positive Career Thoughts

The truth is, sometimes we think we are being positive, but we’re not. We may say positive things, but we don’t think them or feel them inside. We may feel happy after a conversation when the other person only hears negativity in our words. I always ask for others to warn me if I’m going […]

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Stress-Free Negotiating

Every day we do a little negotiating. Sometimes we negotiate with ourselves in regards to what we should eat for lunch versus the guilt that comes with the extra calories. We even self-negotiate how we spend our time and negotiate with others on how to move forward in a project or how to prioritize each […]

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Joy Over Expectations

Joy Over Expectations

It seems like everywhere you turn there are expectations heaped upon you. You have those from your family, friends, co-workers, supervisors and your community. You also have high expectations that you heap on yourself to be better, stronger, smarter, more successful, and on and on. And whether you’re ready to admit it or not, you […]

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Strive For Continuous Improvement

You’re pretty awesome. You have achieved greatness in so many areas of your life—career, family, community and beyond. But just because you can look back and be proud of your accomplishments doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strive for continuous improvement. We all have work to do. According to a study cited in Scientific American, most […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.