Present moment awareness of feelings, thoughts, actions and reactions brings you amazing results.
This heightened awareness empowers a “take-charge” attitude that benefits you to be your best. Experts agree that of your 2100 plus thoughts an hour, the ones you embrace and act upon have a profound effect on your life, love, work and play. The more you pay attention, the more you master your mind as a ‘master mind.’
De-Stress: Have you noticed how some people have a stronger resiliency factor than others? They seem to transcend issues and meet them as a challenge and directly move on to better and better awareness. You can cultivate and improve this powerful centering skill. So rather than being scattered with unclear focus, direction and judgment, you find your “I-deal” focus and move on. Noting the here and now profoundly reduces the stress of recounting the past or worrying about the future. Instead you focus on what is happening now and become more pro-active. As you center yourself you rise above inner conflicts or disturbances and perceive the world with an expanded, more organized and peaceful perspective.
Do This: Think of something that stresses you. Got one? Good. Now, close your eyes and take a slow deep breath and relax a little. Notice the sensation of this easy breath as it enters and leaves. Notice the thoughts or sensations that came into your mind while you are consciously breathing… Now, with another few easy full breaths, try to think about stress… gone…!?
Rest Your Mind: With eyes open or closed, noticing your breath makes you an omniscient observer of what and how you think. Your more objective bird’s-eye-view of perception is a little like looking upon a babbling brook as it moves gently along; your mind has a thought as you witness its ebb and flow. So include a couple of slow full breaths before reacting. No wonder being a “wonder-full” observer is shown in study after study to “curtail stress, obsessive thinking, the blues, and hostility.”
Social Well-Being: How you relate and connect with others is enhanced by your conscious awareness. Remember a time when someone ‘cut you off’ in traffic or while waiting in line. What was your knee jerk response? Whatever it was, what were the consequences? Inevitably, one thing led to another because your automatic reaction brings about an outcome. When mindful you can easily redirect your reaction for a better result. Next time you’re irritated, take a breath and choose a more peaceful response, then notice and enjoy the outcome.
Occupational Wellness: When I teach mindful strategies to corporate employees and executives they are amazed at how quickly the benefits take effect. Work challenges and interactions are more positive which translates into “more harmony and productivity.”
The Ontario Canada Minister of Labor says it well, “A healthy workplace intentionally promotes well-being which decreases accidents and compensation claims, to boost morale…” and the bottom line. Research shows that a nourishing work-place environment attracts and retains great employees and reduces stress and absenteeism.
As you get along, you get the job done. Powerful coping strategies let you make even bumpy situations smoother. Mindful awareness brings profound rewards. You don’t have to be Mahatma Gandhi to know that “happiness comes to you when your thoughts, words and actions are in harmony.” So tune in and get ready to bring out the very best here and now.
Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is the President of the International Hypnosis Federation and the author of 23 books including “WIN: Coaching Guide For Yourself and Others” and “Thrive: Medical Hypnosis For Yourself and Others” she invites you to join her Facebook page “free hypnosis- IHF.” This article contains excerpts from her book, “Hypno-Mindfulness: Be Here Now!”