Tag Archives | Positivity


Opinionated? Who Me?

Raise your hand if you know someone who’s opinionated?  If indecisive, raise your hand halfway up… Now let’s get personal: Are you opinionated about people who are opinionated?  Are you stubborn about what you KNOW? Do you populate “facts” you hear with what you “know?”  If so, your opinions could cause blind spots. You, Dear […]

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A Message of Hope

Times are scary right now. My own mind jumps from hope to fear and back again, though I refuse to let myself dwell in the fear that seems to have gripped the world. As countries shut down their borders and the movement of their people, sometimes I find myself at a loss for words. It […]

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Don’t Let Emotions Cloud Decision Making

If you’re stuck and can’t find an answer, consider your emotions. Guilt, attachment to money, anger, hurt, frustration, fear and sorrow are all emotional states that impair your ability to move forward, let alone make wise decisions.  Consider this… “Emotions influence, skew or sometimes completely determine the outcome of a large number of decisions we are […]

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Are Migraines Messing Up Your Mojo?

As a life long migraine sufferer, I know how much these headaches can derail your productivity. They also do a number on your activities, outlooks, communications, relationships, and well, mojo. If you haven’t experienced a migraine, I can tell you that what you see on television is true. Sometimes there is no other option than […]

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Four Happy Holiday Rules

A friend said, “a closed mouth gathers no foot” which, once again for the very first time, is a reminder to THINK BEFORE SPEAKING!  How’s that for a Holiday Resolution? Think of the words “I love you!” Wow what a rush. The spoken word affects your perception.“Let mommy kiss it” and discomfort vanishes. AND words can […]

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Mindful Coaching 101

Present moment awareness of feelings, thoughts, actions and reactions brings you amazing results.  This heightened awareness empowers a “take-charge” attitude that benefits you to be your best. Experts agree that of your 2100 plus thoughts an hour, the ones you embrace and act upon have a profound effect on your life, love, work and play. The […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.