Every time Mary schedules a team meeting, a critical voice inside of her announces, “You’re a fraud. You’ve never supervised before so why do you think you can now? Your team will never respect your decisions.” When John learns he didn’t get the position after the interview, he tells himself. “I’m stupid. No one will ever hire […]
Archive | Positivity & Confidence
Smile for a Second (or more)
On a walk with my dog I saw a young girl creating chalk drawings on her driveway. She also had written out a few pearls of wisdom, one of which is the following: “We’ve been given millions of seconds on this earth to use. Did you use one to smile today?” I don’t know her […]
The Gratitude Impact: How a simple “thank you” can change everything
A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making someone’s day. It can also do a lot for a career and your personal well-being. Taking the time to appreciate one’s efforts on your behalf requires no more than a genuine “thanks,” but will solidify an authentic and mutually beneficial working relationship. But it […]
Be Happy Now. But How?
I’m reminded of the lyrics of a 70s song “Counting flowers on the wall; that don’t bother me at all. Playing solitaire ‘til dawn with a deck of fifty-one. Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo… Now don’t tell me I’ve nothing to do…” Optimism, pessimism, good news and bad can hypnotize you to be happy or […]
Opinionated? Who Me?
Raise your hand if you know someone who’s opinionated? If indecisive, raise your hand halfway up… Now let’s get personal: Are you opinionated about people who are opinionated? Are you stubborn about what you KNOW? Do you populate “facts” you hear with what you “know?” If so, your opinions could cause blind spots. You, Dear […]
A Message of Hope
Times are scary right now. My own mind jumps from hope to fear and back again, though I refuse to let myself dwell in the fear that seems to have gripped the world. As countries shut down their borders and the movement of their people, sometimes I find myself at a loss for words. It […]
Is Laughter Always the Best Medicine?
We have been told that laughter is the best medicine. No one really knows where the thought originated, but some say the earliest recorded “idea” came from King Solomon in 931 B.C. who gave account of the healing power of laughter. Apparently, the ancient Greek physicians would send their patients to the theatre to see […]
Don’t Let Emotions Cloud Decision Making
If you’re stuck and can’t find an answer, consider your emotions. Guilt, attachment to money, anger, hurt, frustration, fear and sorrow are all emotional states that impair your ability to move forward, let alone make wise decisions. Consider this… “Emotions influence, skew or sometimes completely determine the outcome of a large number of decisions we are […]
Tips for Beating Winter Work Blues
This is the time of year when the gray days and cold weather seem never to end. It’s also a popular time for career restlessness. Cabin fever gives rise to workplace conflict, boredom or may even encourage you to rethink your career altogether. But before you jump ship, it’s wise to determine the source of […]
See the Light: Be the Light!
Has this happened to you? You’re going about life when SHAZAAM, out of the blue, someone fascinates you, catches your eye. What did they do to mesmerize you? They somehow radiate palpable, indescribable magnificence as your mind dissolves in awe and one-ness. You love them yet may not have even met them. The experience leaves […]