Tag Archives | Balance


The Mind In Mindfulness

The word MIND in “mind-full-ness” is something to think about. Nobody– not even the sharpest knife in the drawer–knows what mind is, how it does what it does or can accurately measure “thought.” Just ask the greatest scholar: “What’s mind?” “What’s thought?” “Where does it live?” “Where are thoughts when you’re not thinking them?” “Is there […]

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The Life/Cycle Connection

As a Spinning instructor I find myself reflecting on how much the bike can be analogous to life. Here are some of my observations with regard to this Life/Cycle Connection. When reflecting on those who are hardworking and successful, I can’t help but think of a duck. Silly? Let me explain. When you see a […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.