Every time Mary schedules a team meeting, a critical voice inside of her announces, “You’re a fraud. You’ve never supervised before so why do you think you can now? Your team will never respect your decisions.” When John learns he didn’t get the position after the interview, he tells himself. “I’m stupid. No one will ever hire […]
Tag Archives | Confidence
Motivate a Fine New Habit
Habits R US! We can’t help it. You go on automatic pilot because your brain is wired that way. What’s your morning routine? Where do you sleep on the bed? Where do you sit? Some habits are utilitarian, practical and wonderful and some are downright limiting. So, if you run into a limiting behavior these five […]
Opinionated? Who Me?
Raise your hand if you know someone who’s opinionated? If indecisive, raise your hand halfway up… Now let’s get personal: Are you opinionated about people who are opinionated? Are you stubborn about what you KNOW? Do you populate “facts” you hear with what you “know?” If so, your opinions could cause blind spots. You, Dear […]
Team Spirit And Self-Confidence
G to the O, Go Team! Go! Oh I so badly wanted to play a team sport in school. I wanted to walk down the school halls wearing my uniform, feel the highs and the lows of winning and losing as well as share inside jokes and laughter with my fellow teammates. I wanted the […]
Mustering Confidence When You Need It Most
There is one thing that we all struggle with—confidence. We may feel that overall this isn’t an issue, but if we are truly honest with ourselves, there are days and situations where our confidence wanes. Public speaking, networking, pitching a promotion, taking a test, interviewing, asking for help, sharing our feelings and confrontation are just […]
Why Should Busy Professionals Care About Mindfulness?
Time is one thing that busy career professionals have very little of. When fifteen minutes or more opens up, it’s usually to grab a bite, call family or maybe catch up on business communications. Extra time for mindfulness is no doubt a pipe dream. “According to the World Health Organization, one third of your life […]
How To Stop Stress and Worry From Derailing Your Life
“Thoughts bring to the thinker something of equal consistency,” states Mary Brown, an energy practitioner. “This is why people become what they fear.” When you worry you draw worrisome issues your way. We all worry. There are so many people who are fraught with worry to the point of holding them back from doing what […]
Five Books You Should Read to Transform Your Health
There are new books coming out each day to inspire healthy habits. Many provide us with steps for growing in our fitness endeavors, becoming healthier consumers, understanding the nutrients needed for aging bodies and even teaching us how to combat disease. As busy career professionals you’re already stretched to find time for fitness let alone […]
Mindful Liberation of Owning Past Mistakes
There’s something very freeing in honest transparency. Once you own a mistake, you’re able to let go of the guilt or shame associated with it and begin the process of learning from your mistake and moving beyond it. Of course this isn’t always easy. Especially when your mistake may have hurt others or made you […]
Let’s Hit The Barre
An athlete I am not; that’s why my rotations of fitness classes are typically low impact, slow, and involve lots of breaks in between to socialize and sip my water. One method of fitness that has always been good to me has been Barre. There are all kinds of variations that incorporate additional factors like […]