Tag Archives | Happiness


Tips For Quieting Your Inner Critic

Every time Mary schedules a team meeting, a critical voice inside of her announces, “You’re a fraud. You’ve never supervised before so why do you think you can now? Your team will never respect your decisions.” When John learns he didn’t get the position after the interview, he tells himself. “I’m stupid. No one will ever hire […]

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Be Happy Now. But How?

I’m reminded of the lyrics of a 70s song “Counting flowers on the wall; that don’t bother me at all. Playing solitaire ‘til dawn with a deck of fifty-one. Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo… Now don’t tell me I’ve nothing to do…” Optimism, pessimism, good news and bad can hypnotize you to be happy or […]

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10 Reasons You Should Cultivate a Healthy Career

“A healthy career” is a phrase I’ve been using for over a decade to describe the blending of professional and personal success. To be more specific, you’re in a healthy career when you’re happily engaged in your work; in a career that provides you with ample opportunities for continued growth, empowerment and balance; and you use those elements to their […]

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See the Light: Be the Light!

Has this happened to you? You’re going about life when SHAZAAM, out of the blue, someone fascinates you, catches your eye. What did they do to mesmerize you? They somehow radiate palpable, indescribable magnificence as your mind dissolves in awe and one-ness. You love them yet may not have even met them. The experience leaves […]

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Healing From Burnout

I ran a company for over 20 years. I ran it at the speed of light. The result was it ran me into the ground and I suffered from burnout. I went from running from meeting to meeting and constant growth to what felt like a dead stop. Thankfully I had been preparing a business that […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.