Tag Archives | Happiness


Click Here for Positivity

This site is designed to be positive, uplifting and motivational. I “click” here  every day to get hints and inspiration as to how I can infuse wellness and fitness into my busy work week and I hope you do to. But as I connect with so many light-centered folks who are willing to share their […]

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Courage Is Beautiful

Do you ever want something but were afraid to try? Did you ever feel like you needed to speak up but were worried about the consequences? You’re not alone. Fear and courage flip back and forth like switches way too often for our own likes. However, this is a switch that we can control. Choice, […]

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Joy Over Expectations

Joy Over Expectations

It seems like everywhere you turn there are expectations heaped upon you. You have those from your family, friends, co-workers, supervisors and your community. You also have high expectations that you heap on yourself to be better, stronger, smarter, more successful, and on and on. And whether you’re ready to admit it or not, you […]

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A Guilt-Free Year

When you take a day off, power down the electronics, splurge on an ice cream or even take a well-deserved trip to the beach. And please don’t feel guilty. An article in the Washington Post stated that how “being busy” is like an addiction. The contributor, Brigette Shulte, shares that a man she interviewed “says […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.