Archive | Productivity & Success


When Wellness Meets Purpose

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “wellness?” We tend to hear responses about physical health such as exercise, nutrition or sleep habits. But, have you ever thought about all seven of the contributing factors to your health? It’s time to broaden your mindset to accept that wellness is […]

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Three Key Elements of Motivation and Success

Motivation and, ultimately, success are important to all of us busy career professionals who want to stay fit, healthy, well, and productive. Yet, motivation, like physical or mental energy, is limited. When the clients I’ve coached actively pursue and intentionally choose three key elements of motivation—rest, values, and social support—they see their ‘reserves’ replenished and find […]

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Click Here for Positivity

This site is designed to be positive, uplifting and motivational. I “click” here  every day to get hints and inspiration as to how I can infuse wellness and fitness into my busy work week and I hope you do to. But as I connect with so many light-centered folks who are willing to share their […]

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Awareness and Success

Professional athletes know the power of awareness. They are successful because they are disciplined in how to tap into this awareness at key moments. They have trained and trained and trained to develop the habit of tuning in and becoming completely aware. They love what they do. Amateur athletes are also successful when they are […]

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Avoid The Lure of Distractions

We are living in a society of distractions. Between social media, email interruptions, working in cube farms, work demands, high personal and professional expectations and family obligations, not to mention the demand to be everything to everybody, we have lost our ability to graciously say “no” and turn off the news feed on what everyone […]

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Stress-Free Negotiating

Every day we do a little negotiating. Sometimes we negotiate with ourselves in regards to what we should eat for lunch versus the guilt that comes with the extra calories. We even self-negotiate how we spend our time and negotiate with others on how to move forward in a project or how to prioritize each […]

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Strive For Continuous Improvement

You’re pretty awesome. You have achieved greatness in so many areas of your life—career, family, community and beyond. But just because you can look back and be proud of your accomplishments doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strive for continuous improvement. We all have work to do. According to a study cited in Scientific American, most […]

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Build a Well-Rounded Career

Do you remember filling out your college applications? Along with your G.P.A. and essays there were questions about your extracurricular activities. The emphasis was on finding out whether or not you were well-rounded. The same is true for your career. Recruiters and decision makers are always keeping their eyes out for professionals who’ve built a […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.