Tag Archives | fitness


Staying Active Indoors During Inclement Weather

The amount of winter fitness activities available are so numerous that it would be difficult to list them all. Some are obvious—skiing, snowboarding, ice skating—while some are a little more unique—snowga, igloo building, paragliding and winter golfing. But when the weather doesn’t lend to outdoor adventures, it’s time to look inside for creative ways to […]

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Ten-Minute Time Crunch

Work life combined with home life can quickly become hectic, leaving us little to no time at all to get to a gym. Many face the obstacle of time management and in return, their health is put on the back burner. Your health is the most important thing you have to offer your family, because […]

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Creating Healthy Habits from 9-5

As a dietitian and health coach, busy work schedules and workplace stress are two of the top factors I see regarding why people are struggling to eat healthy. Getting up early, commuting, sitting all day, and then commuting again can lead to irregular and unhealthy eating patterns. Add break room treats and birthday celebrations on […]

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The Life/Cycle Connection

As a Spinning instructor I find myself reflecting on how much the bike can be analogous to life. Here are some of my observations with regard to this Life/Cycle Connection. When reflecting on those who are hardworking and successful, I can’t help but think of a duck. Silly? Let me explain. When you see a […]

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My Journey To A Healthier Me

I, Tanya Perri, am happy to announce that I am celebrating my 15th day on the Whole30. Yup, I’m half way through my healthy weight loss plan and I’ve learned a lot that I’m excited to share with other busy career professionals. Here we go: Soups Have Become My New Food “Bestie”: I was struggling with […]

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What’s the Best Diet?

After helping thousands of people lose weight over the last 25 years, I’ve determined the best diet for losing weight is… Don’t go on a diet. Ever. A ‘diet’ is a temporary thing. A shtick. Something you try for a while until you can’t stand it any more, then “go back to normal” because it’s […]

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Have Fun Working Out

I’ve always been an active person. Dance, cross country, and soccer while growing up. Yoga and running as an adult. So, finding myself short of breath from walking five minutes and then jogging five minutes was humbling. On my first run after the birth of my son, I had to take it very slow because […]

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What is Your WHY?

It’s easy to put ourselves last, especially when it comes to our own health. Finding your WHY is very personal. It’s not even something you need to share. I am choosing to share my WHY with you because it may resonate in some way. I’ve been fit and at times, not so fit. I am […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.