Tag Archives | Health


Pesticides: Is it worth the risk?

What’s Really Going On In Your Home and Office A young boy lies limp in a California hospital bed while his mother and doctors hover anxiously. The only movement comes from his arms that twitch convulsively as he fights to hang onto life. In Pennsylvania, seven children are plagued with unexplained headaches, diarrhea, leg pains, […]

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The Air You Breathe

A brand new, beautifully appointed public building serves as the center of education, information and community gathering. After several seasons of weather fluctuations, including freezing temperatures, moisture, heat, and humidity, a noticeable change begins to occur. Serval employees complain of asthmatic symptoms and other respiratory disorders as well as overwhelming noxious fumes. Additionally, building patrons […]

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Sleep? What’s That?

Fruit flies do it. Fish do it. Dogs, cats, and lions do it. YOU do too—and you’re so attached to doing it that you spend a quarter of your life doing it because if you don’t, you die. SLEEP! BEAUTIFUL SLEEP. But why? Why do you suspend voluntary functions to lie supine in an unconscious […]

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10 Reasons You Should Cultivate a Healthy Career

“A healthy career” is a phrase I’ve been using for over a decade to describe the blending of professional and personal success. To be more specific, you’re in a healthy career when you’re happily engaged in your work; in a career that provides you with ample opportunities for continued growth, empowerment and balance; and you use those elements to their […]

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Breath: A Powerful Life Force

People are often surprised to learn that I am a yoga teacher (RYT 200). They are also surprised to know that I’ve been teaching for over fifteen years and that I was Iyanger teacher-trained in a temple. The trainings were very vigorous, intense and almost broke me a time or two. I know that doesn’t […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.