If you’re really serious about wanting to manage your stress and thrive, not merely survive, you’re going to have to start by unlearning all of the outdated assumptions you have about stress, starting with how you define it. Stress is a combination of three things: (1) a potential stressor, (2) what your mind tells you […]
Tag Archives | healthy eating
Ten Must Have Spices In Vegetarian Cooking
Intuitive nutrition & wellness coach Aubrey Mast says “herbs are typically directly from plants. For example, basil, chives, rosemary are all found specific to their plant parts whereas spices are typically the roots or fruit of plant such as turmeric root, ginger root and black pepper.” Another easy way to differentiate is that herbs have […]
Goodbye Diets, Hello Balance
As consumers, we are bombarded with health and fitness info daily on how to lose weight quick, bulk up quick, fix your illness quick, etc. These health campaigns and diets are known as fad diets. They are offering a product or program that implies fast results and instant gratification. The issue with quick fixes is […]
Balance: The Key To A Healthy Diet
Sitting in my kitchen listening to the birds chat, I am enjoying the last few quiet moments before my three kids wake up and the daily chaos begins. We are headed south this morning to a food truck festival. The one thing the four of us can agree on is that we like to eat and are willing to try most foods. […]
Five Books You Should Read to Transform Your Health
There are new books coming out each day to inspire healthy habits. Many provide us with steps for growing in our fitness endeavors, becoming healthier consumers, understanding the nutrients needed for aging bodies and even teaching us how to combat disease. As busy career professionals you’re already stretched to find time for fitness let alone […]
The Light and Dark Side of The Apple
Oh the poor apple. It’s been a symbol of good and evil since, well… forever. I’m still a firm believer in “an apple a day,” yet lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about certain elements of an apple that make me question whether it should be part of my daily diet. So I reached out […]
Creating Healthy Habits from 9-5
As a dietitian and health coach, busy work schedules and workplace stress are two of the top factors I see regarding why people are struggling to eat healthy. Getting up early, commuting, sitting all day, and then commuting again can lead to irregular and unhealthy eating patterns. Add break room treats and birthday celebrations on […]
You Are More Than You Think You Are
In Buddhism, there is a philosophical view that everything depends on something else for its existence. All existence is viewed as relational, meaning all things arise through the co-working of many causes and conditions. The understanding of this principle, which is known as interdependent and interrelated, has as an aim the transformation of a person’s […]
Five Ways To Reduce Holiday Stress And Overindulging
The holidays are right around the corner. Along with all of the fun and festivities comes stress and inevitably overindulging. The good news is that with a little pre-planning and five techniques from wellness world experts, we can all proactively combat these two “December Downers.” Plan In Advance. “The stress of the holiday season and […]
My Journey To A Healthier Me
I, Tanya Perri, am happy to announce that I am celebrating my 15th day on the Whole30. Yup, I’m half way through my healthy weight loss plan and I’ve learned a lot that I’m excited to share with other busy career professionals. Here we go: Soups Have Become My New Food “Bestie”: I was struggling with […]