Tag Archives | Productivity


You Are More Than You Think You Are

In Buddhism, there is a philosophical view that everything depends on something else for its existence. All existence is viewed as relational, meaning all things arise through the co-working of many causes and conditions. The understanding of this principle, which is known as interdependent and interrelated, has as an aim the transformation of a person’s […]

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When Wellness Meets Purpose

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “wellness?” We tend to hear responses about physical health such as exercise, nutrition or sleep habits. But, have you ever thought about all seven of the contributing factors to your health? It’s time to broaden your mindset to accept that wellness is […]

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5 Tips for Work-Life Flow

We’ve all heard of the phrase “work-life balance.” But the reality is, our daily responsibilities don’t always arrive in a balanced way. According to Gallup, Americans work an average of 47 hours per week, which equates to nearly six work days. If our work doesn’t fulfill or enable us to focus on self-care, the concept […]

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Get Your Life Off Track

About two months ago I somewhat humorously, but in all sincerity, proclaimed, “I need to get my life off track!” Digitally tracking and sharing everything – from the steps we take to the books we read – is a norm for many of us in our social media society. To be fair, there was a […]

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Avoid The Lure of Distractions

We are living in a society of distractions. Between social media, email interruptions, working in cube farms, work demands, high personal and professional expectations and family obligations, not to mention the demand to be everything to everybody, we have lost our ability to graciously say “no” and turn off the news feed on what everyone […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.