Tag Archives | Success


Why Not?

Excuses will always be there for you—opportunity won’t. Think of the material, physical, emotional or academic things that you desire. Now put them down on paper in no particular order.  What do you see? Just a list of words?  Now take a second look. Do any words jump out at you? Let’s make a new […]

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Mindful Coaching 101

Present moment awareness of feelings, thoughts, actions and reactions brings you amazing results.  This heightened awareness empowers a “take-charge” attitude that benefits you to be your best. Experts agree that of your 2100 plus thoughts an hour, the ones you embrace and act upon have a profound effect on your life, love, work and play. The […]

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Goodbye Diets, Hello Balance

As consumers, we are bombarded with health and fitness info daily on how to lose weight quick, bulk up quick, fix your illness quick, etc. These health campaigns and diets are known as fad diets. They are offering a product or program that implies fast results and instant gratification. The issue with quick fixes is […]

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You Are More Than You Think You Are

In Buddhism, there is a philosophical view that everything depends on something else for its existence. All existence is viewed as relational, meaning all things arise through the co-working of many causes and conditions. The understanding of this principle, which is known as interdependent and interrelated, has as an aim the transformation of a person’s […]

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*Always consult with your physician prior to experimenting with any exercises, recipes, health advice and nutrition initiatives shared in this blog.